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West Virginia

Public·48 members

West Virginia has 2 districts. I need one individual from each district to assist me in getting our word out in our great state. I have lots of leads, but local help from all over would help tremendously! ☺️ So, if you're interested, let me know! Let's get West Virginia going!!

P.S. If all my mountaineers can post just once a day on our social media platforms, regarding 1776RM with our website, I'm sure we could get our numbers up before we start rocking! 😉


-Red Mamma ❤️

Andrea Cowan
George Tamaro
Andrea Cowan
Andrea Cowan
01 avr. 2023

I'm in kanawha county, let me know what you need. Also, as for posting, how's the best way for me to post a link? Sorry I'm not the most tech savvy



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