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Judy  Beard
Founding Member

For those of you who may live in Congressional District 15, or know someone that does. Check her out.

Texting with (346) 249-6177

Hey it's Monica.

You see, I'm a little unsure about opening up to you in this way. But I'm too embarrassed to say this in person so I'm writing you this text instead.

My name is Monica De La Cruz. You don't know me, but I'm a conservative Hispanic woman who came from humble beginnings & went on to make history by becoming the first Republican ever elected to Congress from TX-15. By flipping this seat red for the first time in 100 years, we humiliated Joe Biden. And for that reason alone, Biden & the Democrats resent me wholeheartedly.

They want to punish me because I'm a God-fearing Hispanic woman with conservative values. And they just might get exactly what they want... If I don't hit my fundraising goal tonight, the Democrats will humiliate me in front of the entire nation and mock me on every TV across America. So, with a heavy heart and deep faith in God Almighty, I'm humbly asking you to chip in a few bucks before my biggest fundraising deadline ever at midnight: Look, I'm not a politician. I'm nothing flashy or special, just a conservative Hispanic woman who loves the Lord and loves this country. So I'm opening my heart to you today in hopes you'll stand with me. If you help me today, I promise I will make it up to you. Please, I'm in your hands now: God bless you, Monica stop=end

George Tamaro


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