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Join the Convoy "4 Days to Freedom" Friday November 4th! | Ron provides the details on what could be a historic Convoy. It will travel from West to East across Michigan. Destination is Faith Baptist Church in... | By Ron Armstrong | Facebook | happy Tuesday evening. It’s a 
been a beautiful day. Uh it was  a beautiful weekend and hope 
you’re enjoying this beautiful  fall Michigan weather in one 
week from today. Uh we’re  going to take back our Freedom 
s and Liberties. Uh and I  wanted to share with you some 
information specifically about  the convoy tonight. I know many 
of you saw the graphic but if  you haven’t, it is in whatever 
platform you’re watching on.  There are many Facebook 
platforms as well as a couple  YouTube ones here. So, I want 
you to pay attention to that.  You know, over the last four to 
5 weeks, we have seen a  dramatic change in the momentum 
of this campaign of the  campaign for our freedom and 
liberty in Michigan with pretty  much all of our candidates from 
the governor to the attorney  general, to the Secretary of 
State on down through  congressional candidates. We 
have seen more and more of the  a bad polling which we didn’t 
trust to start with but we’re  seeing the the the energy on 
our side is building and it  appears as if that momentum is 
going to carry us over the  finish line next week. One of 
the things that happens though  with momentum and you hear 
about this in sports analogies  all the time is that sometimes 
you have such momentum that you  peak too early. Or that 
people’s energy kind of plateau  and they think oh, I guess 
we’re going to win this. Well,  I my vote doesn’t matter or 
maybe I don’t need to talk to a  bunch of people this coming 
weekend because they must  already know like I do when in 
fact they don’t. Uh all of this  only comes true if we turn out 
in the numbers that we believe  are going to turn out from our 
side. So, if the people who  have experienced the tyranny 
over the last two and a half  years, do not take the time to 
simply go out and cast a vote  next week, Tuesday. Then, I 
don’t know where we are as a  country. It seems as if the 
energy is much higher on our  side because with inflation and 
with crime and with this  governor’s horrible debate 
performances and with the  constant things they’re saying, 
with the CDC’s record and what  we’re seeing happen, it seems 
like  thing is stacked against them 
which means we need to and we  should win. But we only win if 
we vote. Period. We have to  overwhelm them in numbers on 
those votes because we can’t  necessarily trust that a close 
election is ever going to be  handed to us even if we 
prevail. I share this with you  because I feel like over this 
four weeks we have indeed built  this momentum. I think the 
education that has happened  around proposal three has been 
incredible. I think some of it  around proposal too has been 
very good. But no  near the level of proposal 
three and with proposal one, a  lot of people don’t know even 
know what it’s about and so,  we, as many across the state, 
have decided that the no no no  is the only way to go. One, 
two, three, no, no, no. It  doesn’t matter what you do. 
It’s easier to vote no than it  is yes, honestly, and a 
proposal. You don’t understand  anyway. We are believing that 
we are gaining in proposal  three. It did not look good at 
all. Uh six or 8 weeks ago, I  would say that they’ve been 
gaining two  in the 2thousand 18 election 
that the majority or many many  of them will vote this time. I 
also believe that there are a  lot of people that were 
affected by all  reangered. Many of those people 
that had complained about face  masks  and organize the empowering 
families and protecting  children bus tour. And I don’t 
know how many of you might have  attended on this or attended 
one of those events but we  traveled the state. Um we took 
both a bus with us at many  times. We had everyone from our 
governor candidate Tudor Dixon,  our Secretary of State 
candidate, Christina Carramo,  our attorney general candidate  dates that came to wherever we 
were from John Gibbs and John  Mullen and I was represented. 
Um you just go across the state  and we had everybody kind of 
down the line. Uh John Bumstead  from our local area. Um Lisa 
McClain. Anyway, goes on and  on. So, we created that that 
energy and then the debate  performances, the debate by 
Tudor was the first one was a  blow everybody out of the 
water.  and Whitmer was just horrid. 
She was horrible. Of course,  it’s tough to be good. First of 
all, when you don’t have a  message and all you can talk 
about is the answer is abortion  is a good thing. Abortion is a 
good thing and everything goes  back to that. Along with the 
fact that I handed you checks,  I gave you $400. I’ve done 
this, I’ve done that. Well,  none of that is adding up to 
the people that right now just  want to fill their gas tank, 
buy their groceries, have their  kids go to school without being 
sexualized. Uh and now we see  the assault that is right 
before us  we head into this election a 
week from today. So, that bus  tour culminated last Friday and 
Tudor ended up getting her own  bus wrapped for her campaign 
last weekend. She had I think  five or six events in Southeast 
Michigan. Tulsi Gabbard came  and toured with her and it was 
incredibly the the crowds are  building everywhere she goes. 
She was in Grand Rapids  yesterday with her bus. That 
was a packed place. I believe  she’s up near Traverse City 
today or tonight. Um and she  will continue to travel. You 
can certainly check the Tudor  Dixon for governor website. 
Follow her on Twitter and  you’ll graphics and information 
on that. We just can’t sit  still. So, we knew that we had 
to do something in order to  keep the energy, to keep our 
momentum, and so, we came up  with the idea last week of, 
let’s look at doing a convoy. A  convoy that would get our 
people organized and together,  following each other, we, look, 
we don’t get press. We don’t,  have you seen these crowds 
shown up in the in the media?  No. Now, did you see the crowd 
with Barack Obama and and and  the tight shot that they had 
with Whitmer? Of course, you  did. An  newscast and you heard it and 
you saw it and you’re going to  see it again and again because 
they’re trying to energize  their base while trying to 
demoralize ours. We are the  majority, we are showing up, 
but we have to create our own  press. And so, things like the 
bus tour stops do that. The GOP  and the campaigns do that. But 
now what do we do as we head  into the final weekend in order 
to build this. So the convoy  was the concept. Um why a 
convoy? Well the first thing  was  we wanted to celebrate and so 
let me just step off there for  a second and say that Ralph 
Waldo Emerson made the comment  that it is not about the 
destination, it’s about the  journey. and about, I don’t 
know, 330 or 4 AM on Sunday  night, Monday morning. Uh it it 
came to me that that statement  and and a deeper understanding. 
I I think Sunday, I thought of  it or I worked around it but 
the reason I’m bringing this up  is is that I believe that we 
need to celebrate what we have  experienced in the last two and 
a half years. In other words,  at a local level and I you are 
all a part of many  organizations. Uh I see people 
from Nuego Grassroots here. I  see people from we have Ottawa 
County Patriots. We have the  Jackson County Patriots. We 
have the the We The County  people. There’s a lot of 
people. They’re all going to be  notified and hopefully all will 
participate in encouraging  their people, their grassroots 
groups and organizations to  participate in what will be a 
statewide convoy over to  Clinton Township which is in 
Macomb County on Friday  afternoon. I shared a graphic 
and I will share it again here  they are going to have the what 
they believe will be the  largest rally for Tudor Dixon’s 
campaign. It is going to  include Christina Carramo is 
coming. Matt DePerno is coming.  There will be obviously other 
speakers. They’re going to have  production and staging and 
lighting. It’s going to be an  outdoor event. It’s going to 
take place about PM on Friday  at Faith Baptist Church in 
Clinton Township. All that  information’s there. So, at the 
bottom here, you will notice  that the two three one two five 
nine nine four nine four is a  number that you need to text 
freedoms. Text Freedom to that  number and then we’re going to 
keep you up to date with links  and information about the 
convoy because we know we  cannot trust Facebook and an 
event. They will censor it.  Nobody will get notifications. 
They won’t able to share it.  We’re going to do it anyway but 
we’re not counting on it.  Texting is a perfect place for 
you to get information. It also  allows us to provide you 
information on the day of the  event as things change. As a 
rendezvous point change based  on construction or an accident 
or whatever it is so that we  can all stay connected. And so 
if you will text right now  Freedom to two three one two 
five nine nine four nine four.  I’m going to see them coming in 
on my phone here. So you like  that? So, start texting those 
if you have not already. We  already have hundreds who have 
done it and we’re going to,  again, share information and 
links to where you can find all  the details about the convoy. 
So, we’re going there for the  destination, and everybody 
says, well, then why a convoy?  What’s, what’s the point in the 
convoy? Well, that is where we  create our press. It’s also 
where we are able to get  people’s attention all the way 
across the state. Those on the  highway, those in the towns we 
go through, those in your  staging areas that might happen 
at Walmarts or Park and Rides,  or where people will go what’s 
this all about? Well, I’ll tell  you what this is about. This is 
about the election next Tuesday  and how important it is to 
defeat these proposals and by  the way, here’s a sign for no, 
no, no. Ryan Kelly created  these great signs. We’re having 
more of these produced and they  will be available to you both 
at the event and at many  staging locations where you can 
pick some up to put on the  windows of your car, hold out 
the window, whatever. We want  these to be pro-American 
events, meaning American flags,  like all of the Santa Michigan 
events. We tell you to leave  your other signs at home but we 
are encouraging you to bring  signs for candidates, your own 
local candidates, your own  local school boards. We want to 
demonstrate, again, the impact  that all of us have had on each 
other, what the grassroots  movement in Michigan is all 
about and so, let’s talk about  the journey. The journey as you 
organize right now is asking  you to get with a group of 
people in your own community.  Whether it is a Stand Up 
Michigan chapter or rather it  is one of the other Grassroots 
organizations. it’s a group of  precinct delegates that have 
been elected in April and  you’ve got a texting group with 
them. Whether it’s a group from  your church who is after 
defeating proposal two and  three but especially three I 
know. Uh we want a group from  the church coming. Bring signs 
from your church. Brings no  signs for proposal three. Uh we 
are going to have Prestor a  Rick Warzowak is going to be 
having their their billboard  for no on three is going to be 
directly behind our bus and the  entire tour crossing the state. 
So people are going to know and  see about no on three as we 
travel across the state. but I  want to celebrate the journey. 
Two and a half years ago, we  were not a part of the process 
Two and a half years ago, many  of us were not a part of 
grassroots organizations. We  were not attending school board 
meetings. We did not know what  was happening in our school, 
what the curriculum was like,  what they were doing to our 
children. We were not involved  in the political process. We 
were not educated or working or  trained to work the polls. We 
were not poll watchers or poll  workers. Some of you were, most 
of you were not. We have now  risen up thousand people that 
will be participating in  counting the votes. We have 
thousands of people that ran  for Precinct Delegates in 
hundreds and hundreds who got  elected in April. We want all 
of them to be coming on this to  celebrate again what impact you 
have had on your own community.  We want to emphasize your block 
of school board candidates who  are running to take back 
control against the liberal and  the left that control so many 
school boards across the state  of Michigan. We want all of 
those dates that are running  for city and township boards 
and county commissions to also  join as well as any people that 
support local candidates at a  state or congressional level. 
We want you to join this tour.  Obviously, the further you are 
east, the later in the  afternoon Friday that you’re 
going to need to be planning to  participate or to join. But 
what we’re doing right now is  we’re identifying about six or 
eight what we’re going to call  staging locations that you can 
get to. If you are from  Southeast Michigan, groups 
planning down in that Allegan  and Barry County kind of area, 
Ionia. Uh we have a group in  Grand Rapids obviously and 
Ottawa County that are making a  plan. It’s going to start in 
Spring Lake and then work  through Grand Rapids. Our main 
part of the convoy that  everyone will join will go from 
the farthest western point of  Michigan all the way across 9-6 
to 6 ninety-6 and directly  within four miles of where 
we’re going and then we’re  going to take a a four-lane 
highway road on into our church  location and we want to arrive 
there again by 530 PM. Uh so,  once you sign up to get that 
texting, we will be able to  provide you in the next 
twenty-four hours with a  connection to where each of 
these leaders are in contact  information for them. The 
reason that that’s important is  you can decide how far east or 
west or north or south you  want to go before you join and 
then, obviously, we will be  working and coordinating with 
each of those leaders of each  of those smaller parts of the 
convoys to Iran with us at a  certain point along 96 or 696 
so that eventually we are one  large convoy as we headed those 
last 15 or 20 miles and we are  hoping for historic numbers by 
the way we want all of you that  are participating. If you did 
gridlock and get it, you know  what it’s like. We want you to 
be videotaping, driving by the  rest of your convoy. Have 
people within your group drive  by the rest and show the 
American flag, show the signs  out people’s windows. show the 
horns, honking, whatever, and  post it on your social media. 
Do Facebook Lives as you’re  traveling so that we can, like, 
almost like the Canadian  Convoy, begin to have people 
potentially lining on certain  overpasses and roads to simply 
celebrate If they can’t join  us, then, they certainly can 
celebrate us and celebrate you  and what is happening in here 
in Michigan. So, I want to end  Friday with us making a 
statement to the top of the  ticket as well. that we are 
going to succeed all the way  down the ballot. We are going 
to succeed at all of these  levels and we aren’t changing. 
This is not for one election  cycle. This is to hold those 
that are elected accountable.  It’s to be organized as a group 
of people. And letting the left  know and letting the media know 
and letting the national media  know. They have written off 
Michigan early on. Then it was  going to be a blowout in 
Michigan and they’re  unorganized and whatever else. 
And look none of the states are  counting on their GOPs to 
provide the solution. And we  are either. But we are going to 
work with all county GOPs.  We’re going to connect with all 
of them to say put this email  and texting information out to 
all of your members to join. We  would love nothing more than to 
bottle up the highway as we  head across there in those last 
few miles and to make an a  historic statement. Of what it 
is that we’re going to  accomplish on behalf of the 
people of Michigan but for  Freedom and Liberty for our 
values. To defeat these  proposals. We’re choosing 
freedom for to save lives.  We’re choosing freedom by 
defeating proposal two to  secure our elections for the 
future. We want secure my vote  to become law and if we defeat 
proposal two, secure my vote  will be the law. We will have 
photo ID mandated. We will  force no more absentee 
applications to be mailed. Uh  all of these things, no Zucker 
bucks in Michigan. Everything  that isn’t secure my vote will 
become law in twenty  twenty-three. If we defeat 
proposal two. But we’ve gotta  get the word out people.  We gotta do a better job and 
finish strong and we’re hoping  that we can discourage people 
from voting in favor of these  and encourage them to vote no 
on all of these proposals. So,  we want you to decorate your 
vehicles again. Uh it’s a  pro-American as our Stand Up 
Michigan events are. We are  just asking you to again, 
utilize the signs, the know on  any of the proposals is 
incredible to because as we  travel through some smaller 
areas, we want everyone to be  able to see what it is we’re 
doing  what we’re accomplishing. So, 
I’m seeing a bunch of text  messages coming in here. Uh 
good, good number. Um we want  that number of these text 
people to grow to a thousand as  we go through this next 
twenty-four to 48 hours. Uh we  want you to get a handful again 
of cars from your own  community, your own church. Uh 
your your own people who are  fighting against all of of 
these things. Those that  businesses had suffered. Those 
hair salons and those gym  owners and those people that 
are looking to make sure that  none of that tyranny is ever  them to continue to say, you 
want to be more like California  or more like Florida because I 
don’t want Michigan to be a  part of that equation. If 
proposal three passes, proposal  two passes and we lose the top 
of the ticket, we are every bit  as bad as California, if not, 
worse, in regards to parental  rights and authority, in regard 
to elections, it’ll be an  example and the rest of the 
country is is pulling for us.  They are giving us coverage. 
We’re going to get lots of  media coverage over these next 
few days. But it only is  going to make a statement if 
you participate.  And I’m just leaving you with 
this.  In order for us to defend 
freedoms and liberties in the  past. Our young men were asked 
to leave their homes, go  formed at Planned Parenthood 
offices all over the state.  Many locations of Planned 
Parenthood are offering  transgender and other types of 
surgery and really mutilation  to young children.  Under proposal three, they 
won’t even have to tell you  these things are happening to 
your own children. I don’t know  how much it is asking of all of 
us right now to talk to  everyone you know about how 
vital it is that we vote  against these proposals and 
that we support candidates who  back the values and what our 
constitution stands for. That’s  all we need to do to preserve 
our republic. It’s all we need  to do because do you know there 
are thousands and thousands of  Michiganders I’ve heard that 
say, if we lose these  elections, I’m leaving, I 
can’t, I am not putting my  children through this, I’m not 
doing that. Look, I’m not  willing to 
you’re  you’re going to jump and leave 
the state but isn’t it easier  than doing that to just simply 
get people to vote? Isn’t it  just easier to talk to people 
about what’s important right  now in our election? And so  cap it off with an incredible 
rally with thousands of people  in Clinton Township celebrating 
not just freedom but  celebrating the journey that 
has taken place over the last  two and a half years. A journey 
that has taken us to a place  that many of us never thought 
we’d be but a place that we’re  never going to return to again. 
I believe it. I have faith. I  want you to pray for our 
country. Pray for our leaders.  Pray for the turnout. Pray for 
a fair election. Uh but right  now I want to overwhelm them. 
Overwhelm them with votes and  with energy and with 
excitement, and with  determination, and a week from 
today, we are going to have a  celebration like our state 
hasn’t seen in a very long  time. But we don’t want to get 
to that point and say, what  else could we have done? So, 
take for IDF  or in some of you, it would 
only be Friday, late afternoon,  evening. Join us on this 
convoy. Join us for this rally  and let’s spend the weekend 
talking to our friends and  neighbors and let’s get out and 
vote next week and we’re  going to change everything in 
the state of Michigan and  again, make a statement to the 
country. Have a great evening  and I’ll be back with you 
probably on Thursday to give  you some final updates and 
links but if you have joined  that texting and please share 
that graphic with everyone you  know, share it with all of  people and by the way, join our 
Choose Freedom Group on  Facebook. It is Choose Freedom. 
Answer the questions. There’s  only two. Just search Choose 
Freedom and answer the  questions and we will be
Join the Convoy "4 Days to Freedom" Friday November 4th! | Ron provides the details on what could be a historic Convoy. It will travel from West to East across Michigan. Destination is Faith Baptist Church in... | By Ron Armstrong | Facebook | happy Tuesday evening. It’s a been a beautiful day. Uh it was a beautiful weekend and hope you’re enjoying this beautiful fall Michigan weather in one week from today. Uh we’re going to take back our Freedom s and Liberties. Uh and I wanted to share with you some information specifically about the convoy tonight. I know many of you saw the graphic but if you haven’t, it is in whatever platform you’re watching on. There are many Facebook platforms as well as a couple YouTube ones here. So, I want you to pay attention to that. You know, over the last four to 5 weeks, we have seen a dramatic change in the momentum of this campaign of the campaign for our freedom and liberty in Michigan with pretty much all of our candidates from the governor to the attorney general, to the Secretary of State on down through congressional candidates. We have seen more and more of the a bad polling which we didn’t trust to start with but we’re seeing the the the energy on our side is building and it appears as if that momentum is going to carry us over the finish line next week. One of the things that happens though with momentum and you hear about this in sports analogies all the time is that sometimes you have such momentum that you peak too early. Or that people’s energy kind of plateau and they think oh, I guess we’re going to win this. Well, I my vote doesn’t matter or maybe I don’t need to talk to a bunch of people this coming weekend because they must already know like I do when in fact they don’t. Uh all of this only comes true if we turn out in the numbers that we believe are going to turn out from our side. So, if the people who have experienced the tyranny over the last two and a half years, do not take the time to simply go out and cast a vote next week, Tuesday. Then, I don’t know where we are as a country. It seems as if the energy is much higher on our side because with inflation and with crime and with this governor’s horrible debate performances and with the constant things they’re saying, with the CDC’s record and what we’re seeing happen, it seems like thing is stacked against them which means we need to and we should win. But we only win if we vote. Period. We have to overwhelm them in numbers on those votes because we can’t necessarily trust that a close election is ever going to be handed to us even if we prevail. I share this with you because I feel like over this four weeks we have indeed built this momentum. I think the education that has happened around proposal three has been incredible. I think some of it around proposal too has been very good. But no near the level of proposal three and with proposal one, a lot of people don’t know even know what it’s about and so, we, as many across the state, have decided that the no no no is the only way to go. One, two, three, no, no, no. It doesn’t matter what you do. It’s easier to vote no than it is yes, honestly, and a proposal. You don’t understand anyway. We are believing that we are gaining in proposal three. It did not look good at all. Uh six or 8 weeks ago, I would say that they’ve been gaining two in the 2thousand 18 election that the majority or many many of them will vote this time. I also believe that there are a lot of people that were affected by all reangered. Many of those people that had complained about face masks and organize the empowering families and protecting children bus tour. And I don’t know how many of you might have attended on this or attended one of those events but we traveled the state. Um we took both a bus with us at many times. We had everyone from our governor candidate Tudor Dixon, our Secretary of State candidate, Christina Carramo, our attorney general candidate dates that came to wherever we were from John Gibbs and John Mullen and I was represented. Um you just go across the state and we had everybody kind of down the line. Uh John Bumstead from our local area. Um Lisa McClain. Anyway, goes on and on. So, we created that that energy and then the debate performances, the debate by Tudor was the first one was a blow everybody out of the water. and Whitmer was just horrid. She was horrible. Of course, it’s tough to be good. First of all, when you don’t have a message and all you can talk about is the answer is abortion is a good thing. Abortion is a good thing and everything goes back to that. Along with the fact that I handed you checks, I gave you $400. I’ve done this, I’ve done that. Well, none of that is adding up to the people that right now just want to fill their gas tank, buy their groceries, have their kids go to school without being sexualized. Uh and now we see the assault that is right before us we head into this election a week from today. So, that bus tour culminated last Friday and Tudor ended up getting her own bus wrapped for her campaign last weekend. She had I think five or six events in Southeast Michigan. Tulsi Gabbard came and toured with her and it was incredibly the the crowds are building everywhere she goes. She was in Grand Rapids yesterday with her bus. That was a packed place. I believe she’s up near Traverse City today or tonight. Um and she will continue to travel. You can certainly check the Tudor Dixon for governor website. Follow her on Twitter and you’ll graphics and information on that. We just can’t sit still. So, we knew that we had to do something in order to keep the energy, to keep our momentum, and so, we came up with the idea last week of, let’s look at doing a convoy. A convoy that would get our people organized and together, following each other, we, look, we don’t get press. We don’t, have you seen these crowds shown up in the in the media? No. Now, did you see the crowd with Barack Obama and and and the tight shot that they had with Whitmer? Of course, you did. An newscast and you heard it and you saw it and you’re going to see it again and again because they’re trying to energize their base while trying to demoralize ours. We are the majority, we are showing up, but we have to create our own press. And so, things like the bus tour stops do that. The GOP and the campaigns do that. But now what do we do as we head into the final weekend in order to build this. So the convoy was the concept. Um why a convoy? Well the first thing was we wanted to celebrate and so let me just step off there for a second and say that Ralph Waldo Emerson made the comment that it is not about the destination, it’s about the journey. and about, I don’t know, 330 or 4 AM on Sunday night, Monday morning. Uh it it came to me that that statement and and a deeper understanding. I I think Sunday, I thought of it or I worked around it but the reason I’m bringing this up is is that I believe that we need to celebrate what we have experienced in the last two and a half years. In other words, at a local level and I you are all a part of many organizations. Uh I see people from Nuego Grassroots here. I see people from we have Ottawa County Patriots. We have the Jackson County Patriots. We have the the We The County people. There’s a lot of people. They’re all going to be notified and hopefully all will participate in encouraging their people, their grassroots groups and organizations to participate in what will be a statewide convoy over to Clinton Township which is in Macomb County on Friday afternoon. I shared a graphic and I will share it again here they are going to have the what they believe will be the largest rally for Tudor Dixon’s campaign. It is going to include Christina Carramo is coming. Matt DePerno is coming. There will be obviously other speakers. They’re going to have production and staging and lighting. It’s going to be an outdoor event. It’s going to take place about PM on Friday at Faith Baptist Church in Clinton Township. All that information’s there. So, at the bottom here, you will notice that the two three one two five nine nine four nine four is a number that you need to text freedoms. Text Freedom to that number and then we’re going to keep you up to date with links and information about the convoy because we know we cannot trust Facebook and an event. They will censor it. Nobody will get notifications. They won’t able to share it. We’re going to do it anyway but we’re not counting on it. Texting is a perfect place for you to get information. It also allows us to provide you information on the day of the event as things change. As a rendezvous point change based on construction or an accident or whatever it is so that we can all stay connected. And so if you will text right now Freedom to two three one two five nine nine four nine four. I’m going to see them coming in on my phone here. So you like that? So, start texting those if you have not already. We already have hundreds who have done it and we’re going to, again, share information and links to where you can find all the details about the convoy. So, we’re going there for the destination, and everybody says, well, then why a convoy? What’s, what’s the point in the convoy? Well, that is where we create our press. It’s also where we are able to get people’s attention all the way across the state. Those on the highway, those in the towns we go through, those in your staging areas that might happen at Walmarts or Park and Rides, or where people will go what’s this all about? Well, I’ll tell you what this is about. This is about the election next Tuesday and how important it is to defeat these proposals and by the way, here’s a sign for no, no, no. Ryan Kelly created these great signs. We’re having more of these produced and they will be available to you both at the event and at many staging locations where you can pick some up to put on the windows of your car, hold out the window, whatever. We want these to be pro-American events, meaning American flags, like all of the Santa Michigan events. We tell you to leave your other signs at home but we are encouraging you to bring signs for candidates, your own local candidates, your own local school boards. We want to demonstrate, again, the impact that all of us have had on each other, what the grassroots movement in Michigan is all about and so, let’s talk about the journey. The journey as you organize right now is asking you to get with a group of people in your own community. Whether it is a Stand Up Michigan chapter or rather it is one of the other Grassroots organizations. it’s a group of precinct delegates that have been elected in April and you’ve got a texting group with them. Whether it’s a group from your church who is after defeating proposal two and three but especially three I know. Uh we want a group from the church coming. Bring signs from your church. Brings no signs for proposal three. Uh we are going to have Prestor a Rick Warzowak is going to be having their their billboard for no on three is going to be directly behind our bus and the entire tour crossing the state. So people are going to know and see about no on three as we travel across the state. but I want to celebrate the journey. Two and a half years ago, we were not a part of the process Two and a half years ago, many of us were not a part of grassroots organizations. We were not attending school board meetings. We did not know what was happening in our school, what the curriculum was like, what they were doing to our children. We were not involved in the political process. We were not educated or working or trained to work the polls. We were not poll watchers or poll workers. Some of you were, most of you were not. We have now risen up thousand people that will be participating in counting the votes. We have thousands of people that ran for Precinct Delegates in hundreds and hundreds who got elected in April. We want all of them to be coming on this to celebrate again what impact you have had on your own community. We want to emphasize your block of school board candidates who are running to take back control against the liberal and the left that control so many school boards across the state of Michigan. We want all of those dates that are running for city and township boards and county commissions to also join as well as any people that support local candidates at a state or congressional level. We want you to join this tour. Obviously, the further you are east, the later in the afternoon Friday that you’re going to need to be planning to participate or to join. But what we’re doing right now is we’re identifying about six or eight what we’re going to call staging locations that you can get to. If you are from Southeast Michigan, groups planning down in that Allegan and Barry County kind of area, Ionia. Uh we have a group in Grand Rapids obviously and Ottawa County that are making a plan. It’s going to start in Spring Lake and then work through Grand Rapids. Our main part of the convoy that everyone will join will go from the farthest western point of Michigan all the way across 9-6 to 6 ninety-6 and directly within four miles of where we’re going and then we’re going to take a a four-lane highway road on into our church location and we want to arrive there again by 530 PM. Uh so, once you sign up to get that texting, we will be able to provide you in the next twenty-four hours with a connection to where each of these leaders are in contact information for them. The reason that that’s important is you can decide how far east or west or north or south you want to go before you join and then, obviously, we will be working and coordinating with each of those leaders of each of those smaller parts of the convoys to Iran with us at a certain point along 96 or 696 so that eventually we are one large convoy as we headed those last 15 or 20 miles and we are hoping for historic numbers by the way we want all of you that are participating. If you did gridlock and get it, you know what it’s like. We want you to be videotaping, driving by the rest of your convoy. Have people within your group drive by the rest and show the American flag, show the signs out people’s windows. show the horns, honking, whatever, and post it on your social media. Do Facebook Lives as you’re traveling so that we can, like, almost like the Canadian Convoy, begin to have people potentially lining on certain overpasses and roads to simply celebrate If they can’t join us, then, they certainly can celebrate us and celebrate you and what is happening in here in Michigan. So, I want to end Friday with us making a statement to the top of the ticket as well. that we are going to succeed all the way down the ballot. We are going to succeed at all of these levels and we aren’t changing. This is not for one election cycle. This is to hold those that are elected accountable. It’s to be organized as a group of people. And letting the left know and letting the media know and letting the national media know. They have written off Michigan early on. Then it was going to be a blowout in Michigan and they’re unorganized and whatever else. And look none of the states are counting on their GOPs to provide the solution. And we are either. But we are going to work with all county GOPs. We’re going to connect with all of them to say put this email and texting information out to all of your members to join. We would love nothing more than to bottle up the highway as we head across there in those last few miles and to make an a historic statement. Of what it is that we’re going to accomplish on behalf of the people of Michigan but for Freedom and Liberty for our values. To defeat these proposals. We’re choosing freedom for to save lives. We’re choosing freedom by defeating proposal two to secure our elections for the future. We want secure my vote to become law and if we defeat proposal two, secure my vote will be the law. We will have photo ID mandated. We will force no more absentee applications to be mailed. Uh all of these things, no Zucker bucks in Michigan. Everything that isn’t secure my vote will become law in twenty twenty-three. If we defeat proposal two. But we’ve gotta get the word out people. We gotta do a better job and finish strong and we’re hoping that we can discourage people from voting in favor of these and encourage them to vote no on all of these proposals. So, we want you to decorate your vehicles again. Uh it’s a pro-American as our Stand Up Michigan events are. We are just asking you to again, utilize the signs, the know on any of the proposals is incredible to because as we travel through some smaller areas, we want everyone to be able to see what it is we’re doing what we’re accomplishing. So, I’m seeing a bunch of text messages coming in here. Uh good, good number. Um we want that number of these text people to grow to a thousand as we go through this next twenty-four to 48 hours. Uh we want you to get a handful again of cars from your own community, your own church. Uh your your own people who are fighting against all of of these things. Those that businesses had suffered. Those hair salons and those gym owners and those people that are looking to make sure that none of that tyranny is ever them to continue to say, you want to be more like California or more like Florida because I don’t want Michigan to be a part of that equation. If proposal three passes, proposal two passes and we lose the top of the ticket, we are every bit as bad as California, if not, worse, in regards to parental rights and authority, in regard to elections, it’ll be an example and the rest of the country is is pulling for us. They are giving us coverage. We’re going to get lots of media coverage over these next few days. But it only is going to make a statement if you participate. And I’m just leaving you with this. In order for us to defend freedoms and liberties in the past. Our young men were asked to leave their homes, go formed at Planned Parenthood offices all over the state. Many locations of Planned Parenthood are offering transgender and other types of surgery and really mutilation to young children. Under proposal three, they won’t even have to tell you these things are happening to your own children. I don’t know how much it is asking of all of us right now to talk to everyone you know about how vital it is that we vote against these proposals and that we support candidates who back the values and what our constitution stands for. That’s all we need to do to preserve our republic. It’s all we need to do because do you know there are thousands and thousands of Michiganders I’ve heard that say, if we lose these elections, I’m leaving, I can’t, I am not putting my children through this, I’m not doing that. Look, I’m not willing to you’re you’re going to jump and leave the state but isn’t it easier than doing that to just simply get people to vote? Isn’t it just easier to talk to people about what’s important right now in our election? And so cap it off with an incredible rally with thousands of people in Clinton Township celebrating not just freedom but celebrating the journey that has taken place over the last two and a half years. A journey that has taken us to a place that many of us never thought we’d be but a place that we’re never going to return to again. I believe it. I have faith. I want you to pray for our country. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the turnout. Pray for a fair election. Uh but right now I want to overwhelm them. Overwhelm them with votes and with energy and with excitement, and with determination, and a week from today, we are going to have a celebration like our state hasn’t seen in a very long time. But we don’t want to get to that point and say, what else could we have done? So, take for IDF or in some of you, it would only be Friday, late afternoon, evening. Join us on this convoy. Join us for this rally and let’s spend the weekend talking to our friends and neighbors and let’s get out and vote next week and we’re going to change everything in the state of Michigan and again, make a statement to the country. Have a great evening and I’ll be back with you probably on Thursday to give you some final updates and links but if you have joined that texting and please share that graphic with everyone you know, share it with all of people and by the way, join our Choose Freedom Group on Facebook. It is Choose Freedom. Answer the questions. There’s only two. Just search Choose Freedom and answer the questions and we will be
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Text "Freedom" to 231-259-9494 for Convoy updates


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