Mt Ararat Middle/High School... Topsham , Maine
Why are our good teachers and administrators leaving? Something is very wrong here... I'm getting really tired of hearing that's not happening in our schools..oh not here in Maine... It's here and it's happening!! Our children and grandkids are counting on us to stand up for them and stand between them and all this woke crap!
Get involved now! Find out what's happening, do your research, ask questions and demand answers. Tell them loud and clear to STOP INDOCRINATING OUR CHILDREN!
What we need is for people to stand up and make their voices heard. The complacency will be our end... I see so many who feel the same way but balk at signing up. Also too many who just have their heads in the sand. That line that parents, taxpayers and residents had no authority in their district floored me. I don't know what to do but just doing what we are doing I'm just not stopping