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1776RM National Group

Public·978 members
Judy  Beard
Founding Member

I have been thinking about what is happening with the 1776RM and I keep going back to that day on May 20, 2022 when Santa left the TPC after learning how leaders were closing down the convoy and in doing so leaving many people stranded in Hagerstown.

I remember the remnant of TPC that follow Santa to that parking lot and asked him to keep the movement going. When Santa said that he didn't have the means to keep it going because he has just paid $1,300 of his money to rent pot-a-potties to be on the Mall. I remember when Ma walked up to Santa and handed him a plastic bag with $10,000 in it to keep and said that that should keep them going for awhile. Where has that spirit gone? I cried, as did Santa, when that happened and that is when I knew that this 1776 Restoration Movement was created by our Heavenly Father.

We need to get our eyes off of the human aspects and repent and cry out to our Heavenly Father and he will hear us and he will bring us the right leader if we just will be quite and wait on him.

With all my heart I feel that there is that person from our group that is capable to take lead, but is that person willing and be strong enough to do so.

I miss Santa. I love him as I love all of my brothers and sisters in the 1776rm, even the ones I may not agree with. But this is not about our feelings, our fails, it is about saving our country and the Constitution.

I have a post it on my monitor that reads, "We Fall. We Break. We Fail. BUT, with Jesus, We Rise. We Heal. We OVERCOME!!!!.

As Kuiil from the Mandalorian would say: "I have spoken". I have no more to say.

God bless America and the 1776RM.

Carla Harbaugh
Patriot Cowgirl
Nov 17, 2023

I am so disappointed and the Patriots that are supposed to be grown adults acting like children. That he said she said drama should not be part of what we are standing for. I believe you are either for the mission or you are not. We here in Florida will continue standing up for our constitution flag God children and country. I'm not here to worry about others feelings I am here to do what's right as a grown adult and not a child. I respect all who stand up for us. Judy thank you for your words. I wished I could meet you.



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