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1776RM National Group

Public·978 members
Judy  Beard
Founding Member

Can/would someone explain to me how Legislation Sessions work? I was watching the Texas 88th Legislation Session live and the Speaker moved so fast that I couldn't even know what the Bill was about and I couldn't figure out how if there was an objection to the Bill that there was time to object and the same with the reading of the bill. Very confussing.

Kimberly Boeschling-Hinkson
Carol Ritz
Apr 17, 2023

Judy, I would say email Santa or Plumber B. I believe emails are on home page. i know santas is but im not positive on Plumber B.

I would say to research the bills up for debate before the meeting for that day. See if there are any amendments filed and who is voting for what. Im not the expert here. Maybe might have some answers! Please let us know what you find! Maybe we can post it to the Let Us Know Page!



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