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1776RM National Group

Publicยท977 members

Founding Member

Hey y'all. Been a very busy week for the National Boots on the ground. We hit 5 different cities with meet and greets. Met up with some Freedom lovin'Patriotic Family we had not seen in awhile. Had an awesome Rally at a beautiful Veterans Memorial Park. We will be moving locations next week. We have decided to stay here in Florida for a bit longer, Arubadivegirl is an awesome Leader, we hope to find her alot more district and county leads. If you are from Florida and have not received an email from me or arubadivegirl, please, don't hesitate to reach out. Floridians are standing up to hold there elected officials accountable..Will you Stand with us?? We are fighting for your freedoms too. Thank you all who have made this possible. You are my Heroes!!

RedMamma WV
Sancia D
Marge Thibeault
Marge Thibeault
Mar 20, 2023

Wix is just really slow to load and change pages



Welcome to the 1776 Restoration Movement National! You can c...


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Little League Baseball Game
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