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Why We Are Here, What Must We Do

Writer's picture: David "Santa" RiddellDavid "Santa" Riddell

I love America, furthermore, I consider it among the greatest of life’s blessings to have been born in this great nation. While I have witnessed others, risk their lives to get to our boarders, driven by the dream, in the hope that they can live here, and ultimately be recognized as a citizen, all I had to do was open my eyes and breath. I am blessed beyond measure for that honor, and I do not esteem it lightly. However, it has now fallen upon my generation to stand up to preserve this, “more perfect union.” Make no mistake that there are truly sinister forces at work, which are bent on destroying the very principles that have made us great to begin with, and we must be willing to honestly and openly discuss those threats, then formulate a plan to remedy the problem. Yet a plan alone will not suffice to save us. We must put in the work, and therein lies the problem we face as a nation. Identifying the problem is relatively easy, developing a plan is nearly as easy, working the plan, however, is a bit more challenging, and here is why. The first person we must convince to do something constructive, is ourselves, and like all great endeavors, I am the greatest enemy of the outcome. For example, there are literally millions of great workout plans available to me, that if I worked them, at the end of 365 days I would look and feel millions of times better than I do right now, yet today is the problem. If I treat today, like I treated yesterday, then 365 days from now, I will be in the same shape, or even worse shape, than I am right now. It is a stark reality that most of us wait until a doctor looks up over our chart and declares that, if we don’t change, we’re going to die. We have all witnessed the transformation of those who have heard that statement. Suddenly there is enough time to exercise. Miraculously habits that have ruled us are broken. Even foods that we once mocked, in an attempt at self-delusion, which allowed us to continue in our destructive lifestyle, are now our daily meals. Why? Why do we wait until damage is done before getting motivated? Because we think that we are special. We have seen, and grab hold of, the rare examples of people who smoked 3 cigars a day, drank 4 fifths of whiskey a week, ate greasy foods, chased by obsessively sugared drinks, who were healthy and lived to be 90. All the while we are huffing and puffing while we climb a flight of stairs and bought shoes that we could slide our feet into while standing. Delusion is so easy to diagnose in others, but impossible to self-diagnose. So let me help you with that, my dear reader. Our Nation is in dire trouble. We all see the symptoms of our degradation. Institutions that we have grown to trust, like the medical field & law enforcement agencies, including the Courts, are complicit. Example: The same people to whom we have trusted with our health, are now advocating that if a boy likes traditionally girl toys, he should now be given the opportunity to, either mentally, chemically, or physically be allowed to castrate himself. And if this is not insane enough, when he chooses to do this, we who cry out that this is insanity, are labeled as haters, bigots, and unfeeling transphobic Neanderthals. Well excuse me for recognizing that the King has no clothes. Law enforcement agencies, that we have trusted our entire lives, even defended in the recent years, are now turning upon us who dare to stand against this national trend to destroy our way of life. I sat in disgust as I watched our “brave” police departments ordered to stand by, by their superiors, and let our nation’s cities be looted, burned, and Her monuments torn down to cheers of radicals who surrounded them. I cringed as I saw Molotov cocktails hurled at them, along with bricks and degrading slurs, and marveled at their ability to withstand such demoralizing actions. Then when I, use but one modified tactic of the extremist left, stopping my rig on a highway, in a true example of free speech protest, for 30 minutes, 2 days later, 60 to 80 of the same law enforcement that I’ve backed and defended, swoop in on me and haul me away for processing. It shakes even the most ardent supporter. The courts, that we’ve seen offer ridiculous plea agreements to these radical leftists, now threaten me, a peaceful protester, with “real” jail time… I think you get my point. Maybe you’re afraid that this will happen to you as well? Maybe that’s why you continue to only sit idle and be angered by what is happening. Do you really think I didn’t count the cost before popping my breaks on July 4th? What I have written above is not a new revelation that I’ve come to since that day, quite the contrary, it is exactly why I did what I did that day. Freedom is inherently dangerous, and anyone who wants to enjoy its blessings must be willing to suffer its dangers and heartache. The hardest battle that I am facing is the grief, that my call to action is causing my family. When I have the rare opportunity to see my momma, my kids, or attend my church, and then as I’m leaving them, have them lay their head on my chest, hold me tightly and weep, begging me not to leave them, completely destroys me. “Freedom isn’t free” is no longer a catchy phrase, when you’re paying its exacted price. However, as Thomas Payne said, in his article entitled “The Crisis, Number 1” December 23, 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: ‘Tis dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated…” I’m aghast when someone leaves our camp, stating to me, “I can’t handle all this drama.” What? Did you think this was going to be drama free? Did you really think evil would surrender without a battle? Grow up or learn to live as slaves. Exasperating! Ok, we have identified the problem, and we know that we Patriots are the solution, yet if we do not work the plan, where will we be 365 days from now? Do you really think the insanity will slow down? Do you really think that it will miraculously fix itself? Maybe you’re waiting on God to sweep in and fix it for you? Unapologetically I am a firm believer in God, but I also know that, even though He is omnipotent, He gets no glory when His pure Power is displayed. His greatest Glory is when weak men, like us, believe in Him so fully, that we surrender our lives, and personal will, to Him, and allow Him to use us, to accomplish “His Will.” Christ, our ultimate example of both God and man, healed many who desperately needed His touch, however, in every case, they, or their proxy, had to come to Him and seek Him out for their healing. In those cases, many times, they were given a task to do, then the healing would take place. I am constantly being sent the scripture, 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Do you not see your responsibility in that scripture? There is something you must do, and you cannot omit one of those requirements listed. Then, and only then, will God show up and do what He will do. Do not let fear cause you to lose your freedom, let your fear of the loss of freedom motivate you to action. We have made this mess, it is ours, by God’s help, to clean up. Let us again, become that nation, who others are willing to risk it all to flee to, not a nation who is the laughing stock of the world. The formula is there, now rise up and just work the plan. Join us.

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