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Public·22 members

Marge Thibeault

Founding Member

State Lead

UMaine System Must Acknowledge Current Science, Drop Student Vaccination Requirement

Publicly-funded University System should follow the lead of Maine’s Community College System now that the negative impacts of the policy on learning, health, and enrollment are becoming all too clear

STATE HOUSE – Education Committee Republicans today are calling on Maine’s publicly-funded University of Maine System to follow the lead of Maine’s Community College System and drop the system-wide requirement that all students be vaccinated in order to enroll as students. Republican members of the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs have issued the following public statement:

“Current science is clear that the policy requiring that all University of Maine System students be vaccinated no longer serves its original purpose and is now detrimental to student learning, student enrollment, and student health. The public recognizes that what we know about science has changed and the public University system must change as well in order to better serve the learning, health and emotional wellbeing of our students. We commend Maine’s Community College System for recognizing this and showing leadership in lifting the vaccination requirement.”

Sen. James Libby (R-Cumberland)

Rep. Heidi H. Sampson (R-Alfred)

Rep. Sheila A. Lyman (R-Livermore Falls)

Rep. Edward J. Polewarczyk (R-Wiscasset)

Rep. Barbara A. Bagshaw (R-Windham)

Mar 01, 2023

its about time


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