Wednesday morning thoughts:
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!
It is going to take everyone doing something to bring about a change in this country. If you don't want to run for a position on the school board, at least go to the meetings. Find out what is going on in your schools. Whether or not you have children or grandchildren in school, the decisions that are made and what is being taught will affect you at some point. The children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. What these children are taught today will determine what your community is like in the future.
For those who can run for local offices, do it. For those who can't, find a candidate whose values align with yours and support them. Be vocal. I am sure most have gotten excited or frustrated about a sporting event at some point in their lives. Well folks, we are in the middle of a much more important game with so much riding on the final score. As a Penn State fan, I have been a part of the 100,000 plus crowds at a home football game. I have felt the stadium shake as a result of a big win. I have also felt the completely deflated feeling of a tough loss. I believe our country is in tie game with 2 minutes on the clock.
We can no longer sit as mere spectators. We have to get in the game. We can no longer play prevent defense. We have to go on offense. We have to EDUCATE. Not only ourselves, but others around us. We have to ACTIVATE. Be active in your community and encourage others to do the same. MOTIVATE. Motivate not only yourselves, but friends and family to be a part of something bigger than themselves. It starts in our neighborhoods and spirals outward from there. No longer can we sit idly by and complain about what is going on. It is time to stand and let our voices be heard and CHANGE what is going on. The only way this happens is by EVERYONE DOING SOMETHING.
Love you all.