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1776RM National Group

Public·980 members

Judy  Beard

Founding Member


As any of you that have read some of my recent posts knows I have been very discouraged over the lack of people willing to join in the fight to regain our Constitutional Republic. I feel that from the day that Santa left the TPC and the people that followed him to the parking lot and asked him to lead, what is now known as the 1776 Restoration Movement, that is was a God thing. I still believe that as long as the leaders keeps Jesus as the center of the 1776RM, it has a purpose. I have felt like I am running into a brick wall trying to get people to join or at lease check 1776RM out, questioning if this is what God wants me to be involved in, spending my money and time in, then by the grace of my Heavenly Father I came across this video of a sermon by Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California, he went home to be with the Lord in 2013. I followed Chuck Smith back in the 70's when we lived in California. For those of you who do not know who he is, he was a very big part of the late 60's, early 70's Jesus Movement. This sermon really spoke to my heart (spirit), please take the time to listen to it. I feel God has given 1776RM the task of fighting to regain our Constitution Republic back and no matter how big the mountain may seem, we have to trust God and forge ahead.

Marge Thibeault
Marge Thibeault
16 févr. 2023

Again today I was reminded who is in control... went to look at printers..ask salesguy if I could print out trifolds and pulled out trifold from 1776rm... when checking out he asked if he could have it and started asking questions . Even had his feelings on what's happening and pointed out things from 1776rm before I'd even talked about it! On the way there a woman I meet at a school board meeting and gave a brochure to with my phone # called me and left message.... having a get together with her and others to do presentation next week! Don't give up or lose heart... people are out there. We will find them!


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