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1776RM National Group

Public·978 members
Founding Member

I respinded to a patriot today and thought it would be fitting to post this for the National group. if you can find things happening in your area or you are planning something, Please let us know on your state and let us know page and on the national page.

This can be done at your Local level. We are concentrating on County seats and places we believe folks will be walking around. For those that are not able to get about. A meet and greet for an hour at your local markets or parks. Festival season is upon us. Utilize those to greet more folks in your area. Grab your Flags, let everyone here know where and when, they will come. If you dont do facebook, you can let us know when you post here that it needs to go to FB. UNITED WE STAND!!

Nikki Sanford
Plumber B
Missouri Candy
George Tamaro


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