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1776RM National Group

Public·978 members
Judy  Beard
Founding Member

In being transparent with the funds donated to the FREEDOM PATRIOTS MEET & GREET, I am sharing a screen shot of the donation that was given to the Wounded Warrior Project today. I just received the funds from the givesendgo account yesteday. The reason for the difference of the balance of $131.14 and the $135. sent was to cover the cost of donating on line, which I covered myself.

I will have to get a money order for the funds going to the Watkins-Logan Texas Veteran Home. I will take a picture of the m.o. when I get it and share it too.

Wounded Warrior Project Employee Giving Team <> Unsubscribe12:45 PM (12 minutes ago) to me Dear JUDY, Thank you for your gift of $135.07 to Wounded Warrior Project®! Because of your support, warriors and their families have access to life-changing services at no cost to them.

Kimberly Boeschling-Hinkson
George Tamaro
Lisa Briley
Lisa Briley
Feb 02

Great job Patriot!



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